Its applicable in R&D institutes and production depadments In the fields of environment prevention. sanitary and antiepidemic. drug test. agriclture and husbandry and aquatic production. etc. whichis the special homeothermal equipment for water body analysis. BOD determination. microbe cultre and preservation including bacteria and mycetes culture. plant culture and seed and breeding experiment.
* 具有冷熱雙(shuāng)控製功能。微電腦智能溫控器具有PID自整定和菜單式多個控(kòng)製參(cān)數設置功能,使控溫更精(jīng)確。有報警斷電。0-9999分鍾(zhōng)的定時控製功能。
* 工作室采用冷軋鋼板(bǎn)製(zhì)成,箱內配有(yǒu)照明裝置。擱板可自(zì)由調節。SPX-80-II生化箱工(gōng)作室內配有電源插口。
* 外(wài)門雙層玻璃的觀察窗便於觀察室內培養物情況(kuàng)。
Construction features :
* Possesses cool and heat dual-control. The mini-computer intellectual thermostat has PID auto matic setting and multiparameter menu setup functions. to make the temperature control more accurate. And it also has o-999 min timing control function fo alarmtng and switching off.
* Theare power supply socket and illumination equipment assembled in the work room. and the shelf able to be freely adjusted.
* Double-glass observation pord of outside door is convenient for observation of culture conditions inside.
SPX-80-II主要技術參數:Primary technical indexes:
*公 稱 容 積 :Nominal capacity : 80L
*控(kòng) 溫 範 圍 :temperature control scope : 5℃-50℃
*溫 度 波 動 :temperature fuctuation : ±1℃
*溫 度(dù) 均 勻性 :temperature homogeneity : ±1℃
*額定功率(KW): Rated power ( KW ) : 0.35
*電 源(yuán) / 電 壓 :Voltage /Power supply : 220V±10% 50H+2%
*製 冷 劑 : R-12 Cryogen : R-12
*工作室(shì)尺寸(cm):Size of work room( cm ) : 40×39×54
*外 形 尺寸(cm):Outine size (cm ) : 49×55×86
*裝 包 尺寸(cm):Stize of package ( cm ) : 63×69×102
*淨重(chóng)/毛重 (Kg):Net /gross weight ( cm ) : 45/85
Optional:1,liquid crystal display - ¥ 200 元
2,RS485 interface and communication software - ¥ 600 元
3, embedded printer (mini) - ¥ 1500 元